The Goldonian

Winter 1965

Page Compiled May 2013

All images and text copyright © to Goldings Old Boys reunion members

The Somerset sitting-room was redecorated in August and since that time it has also been refurnished. The room is now a very pleasant one and the
majority of the boys appear well pleased with it. I would like to thank the Painting and Decorating Department for their co-operation.
Wednesday, 15th September, was a grand day for the Inter-House Athletic Sports. Somerset was represented by Norman Brown, Edward Dominey,
Brian Carney, Kenneth Hart, Paul Walkeden, Douglas Hansen, and Raymond Yassin. It was apparent
that we should do well because all the boys had put in some useful training before the day. It was a good day for Somerset, Norman Brown winning
the Senior shot, Edward Dominey winning the Senior mile, and Kenneth Hart winning the Junior 880 yards. We carried off the Senior Trophy and
were not very far behind in the Junior one. In the Queens' Cup Competition Somerset is third, and in the Bays' Shield Competition Scott Bay is
well ahead.
Now that the winter evenings are with us, there's the problem of providing a lively indoor programme and I am pleased to say that table tennis is
having a great appeal to many of the boys in Somerset. Barry Davison is representing us in the first team along with 'Pop' and Jackie Murray and
from what I have seen of them they are doing really well and winning matches. If you are a bit bored with some of the old games—try a game of
table tennis, it's surprising how fascinating it can become. It's as good as the new hat for the wife or the new tie for the young man, or the new coat
of paint for the house. John Dogscha needs watching too, he will soon be in the team at the rate he is going. Well done John! The last three weeks
of term will no doubt see (D.V.) a closer and keener competition for the end of 1965. We shall shortly be welcoming back from Conway, Kenneth
Hart and David Rudge, and also Robert McNamara from Devon. We look forward to sharing with them some of the experiences and lessons they
have been taught at the Adventure Schools.
In closing may I wish all members of the staff and the boys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

WELL HERE we are once again with Christmas on us, and the Editor is waiting for me once more; sorry and all that, Editor!
Since the last GOLDONIAN four boys have left the hostel, and one, Alan Bayliss, has left the trade altogether and is at the Stepney Hostel at the
moment. The other three are as follows: Keith Milsom, Leonard Carroll, and Bernard Munro, and we wish them luck in their outside lodgings.
With 'leavers', we also have 'joiners' as well and they arc: David Fall, Roger Durrant, Martin Masterson-Andrews, and Victor Chan; the last two
having had a stay here before.
In the way of social activities, which have been numerous as usual, we had on l0th October, 1965, a discussion held at the Verney, and led by the
Hertford Methodist Youth Fellowship, the topic being 'The Use of Money'.
On 2nd November the Hertford Methodist Youth Fellowship invited us down to their Youth Club, for a games and table tennis evening. Through
this invitation several lads decided to join!
The last event was traditionally on 5th November when we invited several friends down to the 'bonfire'. Unfortunately owing to previous
arrangements, not many could attend, but those who did enjoyed coffee and hot dogs afterwards.
Since October The Verney has provided from it's 'pack' six regular 'beaters' for beating, the principal boys are as follows: Robert Acton, Michael
Cousins, Robbie Hendry, Gordon Hughes, Mick Longman, and Jim Pooley, the latter having left the Verney but still supports us!
Several of the 'beaters' as we are known, have organized a club in the cellar, and I must admit have made a pretty good job of it. As the 'Beatles'
sprang from the 'Cavern', who knows what may spring from the CELLAR !
Just before finishing off these notes could we please have our cook, Miss Wilson, back? We think she has been borrowed long enough!
On behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Tordoff, Mrs. Ephgrave, and Miss Wilson I would like to wish all the 'boys' a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
N.B.—Miss Wilson had been away for four days when these notes were written, very kindly consenting to help out at the School which was left
with one cook for 140 boys! She is now back with Gordon and his thirteen contemporaries .

'Jesus grant that we may follow,
In our lives the steps You trod,
With Your life our inspiration,
And our pattern, Son of God.'


CARNEY, BRIAN, from North Berwick
WITHERS, PAUL, from Llandudno
JOHNSON, WILLIAM, from Llandudno
KNOWLES, PATRICK, from Llandudno
KNOWLES, ANDREW, from Llandudno
HART, ANDREW, from Norwich
STEWART, GLENN, from Norwich
BUGGS, RICHARD, from Woodford Bridge
PUZEY, ROBERT, from Woodford Bridge
DARLISON, COLIN, from Nuneaton
HARRIS, PETER, from Maidstone
HOSIE, DAVID: November 1962 to July 1965. Carpenter. Restored.
DOMINEY, EDWARD: September 1963 to October 1965. Sheet Metal Worker.
BURROWS, PETER: August 1963 to July 1965. Carpenter.
JOHNSTON, ROBERT : October 1962 to July 1965. Carpenter apprentice.
HOWARD, STEPHEN: August 1962 to August 1965. Apprentice Painter. Football colours.
HULTUM, MICHAEL: September 1962 to July 1965. Apprentice Carpenter. House Captain. Table tennis colours.
IORNS, FRANK: September 1962 to August 1965. Apprentice joiner.


ATKINS, ALAN, from Barkingside
AFFLICK, DAVID, from Shotley Bridge
YOUNG, ROBERT, from Woodford Bridge
DANQUAH, ERIC, from Hastings
BRADDON, DAVID, from Exeter
ALLEN, JOHN: April 1962 to July 1965. Carpenter apprentice. House Captain. Athletics colours.
PEMBERTON, MICHAEL: December 1963 to July 1965. Gardener.
DAGLISH, RICHARD: December 1961 to August 1965. Apprentice Carpenter.
HILL, WILLIAM: September 1961 to August 1965. Painter.
CROWE, GEOFFREY: September 1962 to August 1965. Apprentice Painter.
HOWE, PETER: January 1963 to September 1965. Sheet Metal Worker. House Captain.
OLBISON, PETER: December 1961 to October 1965. Bootmaker.
TATE, DAVID : August 1962 to November 1965. Sheet Metal Worker. Swimming colours.

A dmissions

PHELPS, HOWARD, from Liverpool
MARTIN, ROBERT, from Slough
LEIVERS, GEORGE, from Beckenham
ROSE, KEVIN, from Chigwell
RECORD, JOHN, from Sheerness
WHITTAKER, BRIAN, from Bicester
CHARLESWORTH, WILLIAM: April 1963 to July 1965. Sheet Metal Worker. Restored.
CARLYON, RONALD: January 1963 to July 1965. Carpenter. Restored.
ANDREWS, MARTIN: September 1962 to October 1965. Apprentice Printer.
DURRANT, ROGER: September 1962 to October 1965. Apprentice Printer.


ROWLANDS, RALPH, from Llandudno
ELLIS, MARTIN, from Southport
UNWIN, COLIN, from Bedford
SPEER, RAYMOND, from Northern Ireland.
WHITE, GORDON: April 1963 to June 1965. Painter. Athletics colours.
MOUNT, KEITH: May 1963 to July 1965. Sheet Metal Worker. Swimming colours.
HILL, CHARLES: January 1963 to July 1965. Painter apprentice.
PORTER, ROGER : January 1963 to August 1965. Carpenter apprentice.
NAIRN, ROBERT: July 1963 to September 1965. Painter. Restored.
LEBECHEE, GLYN : February 1964 to September 1965. Carpenter.
LAW, KEVIN: October 1963 to October 1965. Sheet Metal Worker. House Captain.


BIRD, DAVID: Is now working as a draughtsman and designer in woodwork. Recently did designs for a north country project which ran
into many thousands of pounds. Is a great Go Kart enthusiast in his spare time, and partakes in national events.
Spent his holiday touring around St. Tropez, South France, this summer.
DRAPER, ALLEN: Has now completed his carpentry apprenticeship, and still working with the same firm at Stoke Newington. A regular
supporter at Arsenal, and saving hard to get married and buy a car (in that order).
KELLY, MICHAEL: Visited Mr. Sheppard during the holiday. Gardening at a Nursery in Morecombe. He celebrated his 21st birthday
on 25th October by getting engaged. Has changed his name to Moorhouse. Present address; 'Cawthorne', 14 Mayfield Drive, Bare,
Morecombe, Lanes.
MAGELLAN, ERIC : Has now passed his City and Guilds examinations in Sheet Metal Work.
ANDREWS, TERRY : Called to see us in July with his wife, but unfortunately everyone was on holiday. However, Terry keeps in touch via the
Guild Messenger. Present address: The Caravan, Bridewell Lane, Batesdale, Diss, Norfolk.
BEARE, MICHAEL : Is getting on very well at his work, and has started evening classes again. Met Bob Cox recently. Present address: 8
Edgehill Road, Winton, Bournemouth, Hants.

Wrote a long interesting tetter to Mr. Embleton in September, telling him, among other things, that he had passed his N.C.H.
examination with credit. Our congratulations to John on his very fine effort. John is very happy at his work and in his lodgings.
Present address:
11 The Forebury, Sawbridgeworth, Herts.
BEDWELL, F.: Wrote in for confirmatory details of his instruction as a carpenter. Employers still like to know where their employees receive
their basic training. Present address: Fort House Cottage, Hembury Fort, Near Honiton, Devon.
BLOWER, DAVID : We received a very nice letter from David, expressing his great appreciation for all that the School had done for him, and
in particular the masters in the Carpentry Department. Present address: 65 Halfords Crescent, Ryecroft, Walsall, Staffs.
DENTON, STEPHAN: Is now a lance corporal in the R.A.O.C. This will come as a great surprise to many of his old friends I am sure, but
Stephan is doing extremely well in his new sphere, and his health is now Ai. His address at time of writing: L/Cpl. Denton, 24027330, A Coy.,
3 Platoon, Dep. and Trg. Battalion, R.A.O.C., Minden Barracks, Blackdown, Hants.
CHURCHILL, MICHAEL: Has now completed his apprenticeship with Messrs. Tysons (Contractors) of Liverpool, and has joined the ranks of
married men. Congratulations to Michael and his wife, and maybe we shall see them one of these days.
FILBY, BRIAN: Our Headmaster received a letter from Brian's employers, who are so pleased with his accomplishment that they would be
pleased to employ another apprentice of Brian's ability. Well done, and thank you Brian for this credit.
TANGEN, ALAN: Have had several letters from Alan, who is a regular soldier. In his last he mentioned that he had been in an accident, but
did not say very much about it. He had soon his brother George, who is apparently doing very well in a 'pop group', especially on the Continent.
Present address: 23913655, Pte. Tangen, A.E., A Coy., 16 Battalion R.A.O.C., St. George's Barracks, Arncott, Bicester, Oxon.
MOHAMED, ISAAC: Has changed his name by Deed Poll to Aviston. We have also had the good news that Isaac was married on 20th
November. At present his new address is not to hand.
SCRUTTON, RAYMOND : Our Headmaster received a letter from the employer of this Old Boy,
saying how pleased they are to have him in their business as a butcher's assistant. To quote from the letter, Raymond 'has proved to be
hardworking, honest, and very loyal'. What greater appreciation could anyone ask? Well done and thank you! Present address: 81 Kelly Road,
WILLIAMS, ANTHONY (WILLIE) : Mr. Stevenson had a very interesting letter from Sgt. Williams in August, who was then in Singapore.
He wished to be remembered to all his old friends of the Printing Department, and I am sure they will all be pleased to know that Willie has
progressed in Print through the Army and was in charge of the Photo-Mechanical Litho Department. He is married with two sons. With his wife
and family he returns to England in December and promises to look us up then. Present address: 23534610 Sgt. Williams, A.R., 30 Battalion
R.A.O.C., 3 B.O.D., G.P.O. Singapore.


New admissions and leavers since last Goldonian

THE LAST 'Cadet Notes' were issued by Captain A. P. Culver in the Spring edition of THE GOLDONIAN, since then he has retired from the
Regiment after nineteen years' of very valuable service.
Of the thirty cadets on role in August, twenty-one attended annual camp with the Battalion at Clarke Camp, Lydd, Kent, from Sunday, I5th to
Sunday, 22nd August, 1965. The move to camp was satisfactory, being made in a special train from Welwyn Garden City.
On arrival at camp I suggested to the C.O. that instead of the usual practice of keeping No. 2 Coy. together in one hut, they should be split into four
groups and placed with other detachments; in this way the boys would get to know the rest of the Battalion; the plan worked well and the boys
made good friends with boys outside our School.
Training at camp was good, and the cadets worked hard and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The one complaint was that they did not get a chance
to 'fire' a rifle on the ranges. I have, however, made arrangements to use the 2-2 range in Hertford; each Thursday evening I take three or four boys
down in the car to Port Hill Drill Hall for an hour's shooting.
The Lord-Lieutenant of the County, Major General Sir George Burns, K.C.V.O., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., visited the training area at camp, and spoke
to many of the Goldings boys.
Wednesday was a free day and I took all No. 2 Coy. to Hastings. A good day was had by all, even the boy stranded on the cliff, who was rescued
by Drum Major Carr, G. and Cadet Rous, E. The C.O. published a commendation in Part I Orders after hearing about the incident.
We now look forward to next year's camp which will be from 14th August to 21st August, 1966.
There are thirty-six cadets now in the Company, of which twelve are new boys. It is hoped that by the next issue of THE GOLDONIAN most of
the cadets will have taken, and passed, the Certificate A Part I Standard. This was impossible in previous years with a company of sixty-five to
Seventy cadets, and two instructors.
To help with training, boys will be selected to go on week-end camps with the Battalion.
The first five boys went on a week-end camp to Stamford P.T.A., Thetford, Norfolk, on Friday, 29th to Sunday, 31st October.
The football season having just begun there is not much to report. Three Goldings boys have been picked to play in the over-16 team. The junior
(under-16 years) team has played one match, against the Air Training Corps, on 31st October, 1965. The Army Cadets fielded a side of only nine
players—seven of whom were from No. 2 Coy.—They won! 5—3.
The Corps of Drums have now a total strength of twenty-three— eight of these being new recruits. The Corps are now all cadets, and although the
standard of playing is low at the moment, we look forward to keeping up our good name next summer. It is unfortunate that we are unable to attend
an Armistice Parade this year as a band, but several buglers will be doing their duty at Letchworth and Waterford War Memorials.
May I close by wishing all ranks a successful winter training session; work hard, and 'play' hard, so that we are prepared for a good summer season
of public displays, and a good camp in 1966.

THE SCHEME has been in operation at Goldings for some four years and during that time around 200 boys have participated in the various
There are three awards—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—and each award is split into four parts. The four parts are Hobbies, Public Service, Expedition,
and Physical Efficiency. An example of the progression from Bronze to Gold can be seen in the expedition. In Bronze a boy must do preliminary
training in map reading, first aid, cooking, and country code, and then carry out a 15-mile hike with one night's camping. By the time he reaches
Gold standard a boy must be capable of planning and carrying out an expedition in difficult country of five days' duration.
It is easy to talk in high-flown terms of the benefits a boy can gain from participation in the scheme and there is the danger of letting our thoughts
lead us into a dream world where boys find salvation on the top of a mountain. To be sensible, however, we must ask ourselves what use does the
scheme really serve? If we look for immediate results then we are doomed to immediate failure. If a boy spends six months learning to play a bugle,
what has he gained apart from the ability to play a bugle? Nothing, if the seed of an interest in music is not planted and the personal knowledge that
he is capable of such ability. In the Public Service section the boy comes into contact with people less fortunate than himself, the old, the sick, and
the lame. Surely he must have a deeper understanding of the problems of others which will be with him always.
At the moment evening classes are being held in First Aid and Map Reading and a special course in Civil Defence. Recently a four-day exercise
was held in the Peak District, in which the principles learnt during the past camping season were put into practice. Eighteen week-end camps have
been held during the summer, boys have taken part in courses in Wales and Scotland and three boys have been on Outward Bound Courses.


2 Coy., 1st 'C' Battalion, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment