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Hello again smith
I think you will wait a very long time for Barnardo's to organise anything they seem to have forgot about us a little bit, and they have nowhere now to hold such an event having sold Barkingside off (very sad really )
We have at least 3 staff from Barnardo's aftercare attend our reunion every year but that's all I'm afraid.
So our get together is for everyone who wants to attend friends family staff Barnardo's children whether or not they attended Golding's they're welcome. We are all getting older and eventually we all know it will end but while we can we intend to have a really good time
Keep in touch and maybe one day we will meet.
15 April 2021

Thank You for all the comments, I have not been to a reunion myself since my demob 1960 and from what I have read is a highly regarded social event, organised meticulously by Dave many months in advance and appears an outstanding success, more importantly I see several staff or Masters attend, signifying respect to both pupil and tutors no doubt with all the best wills in the world not everyone will be best pleased and I am such, so while I seem disgruntled or maybe saber rattling I am hopeful to inspire a reunion, one which we can all appreciate a final gesture to all our or your pals whom laid paths to our good fortune or bad, as they say if you have lived this long you have survived the worst life has thrown, an achievement in itself, so a little grumbling here and there is of no consequence. I attended the 2000 barkingside garden party with a gathering of many Barnardo homes and lived at five, the event was well supported and a reunion would be best organized here after all our contributions support HQ and it will be nice to see the Dr Bs money boxes full size full of money and not shrinking in number.
13 April 2021

Well pubs open, and no I didn’t go to the pub, not for me the pub is a social thing and so I decided to give it a miss. Let’s wait till things are more back to normal.
Hope I can resist tonight lol
13 April 2021

Dave 62-65 Somerset House,House Captain 1964
To add to the two other comments, In my opinion I was very fortunate to go to the William Baker Technical School, and much respect I must pay Walsall Children’s Homes for having the foresight for sending me there. My memory of the School it had boys from all parts of the U.K, a mix of boys with various circumstances, boys like myself beyond parental control as my father died when I was five, and my mother was unable to control me. The other novelty about the School was as far as I remember, there was no colour problem with the boys, we were all "Dickies Boys" a lesson the Country should by now have copied as we were one big happy family. Don't get me wrong, at sixteen I just wanted to go out into the wide world. At the time the teachings of the School was a long lost memory, but later years were to return and for me to appreciate the wonderful time spent at Goldings sank home. The majority of Staff was caring and helpful. By being a pupil of the School I was to share a friendship with other Boys and Staff that has never been surpassed, and is rekindled every year at our annual reunion in Hertford. Many years later I was to discover they had been having a reunion since 1957! In 2004 I attended my first reunion, but it appeared a fall out with the previous organiser was going on which concerned me, as I could see this may end the reunions. I was at a meeting at the Salisbury Hotel with a lot of Old Boys in 2004, and was invited to take over the reunion, of which I was very proud to do so, along with my family and loyal supporters the reunion was re born thankfully. I then realized that for many years Old Boys were visiting the grounds of Goldings but not the Mansion as it was now occupied by it's new tenants. So I approached the tenants and they were very welcoming to us and have been so ever since.
11 April 2021

Dave 62-65
The School opened in April 1922 but sadly closed in July 1967,and in my opinion was a massive mistake by Dr Barnardo's committee. Yes it was run on a military footing, but tell me a better way of controlling 200 boys between the ages of 13-16 and in the case of the printers 21. I was taught a trade by very skilful tutors along side wonderful House staff. Yes I was caned for smoking but looking back that wasn't such a bad thing! As I now don't smoke! Perhaps in these days many more Goldings are needed in my opinion for our youth to give more direction. 3 years and 1 month I had at The William Baker Technical School...many, many, thanks to my brothers from our School, Thanks for the memories
P.S. The web site is to keep Old Boys and Staff in touch and to share our time spent at Goldings and each other’s experience of the School, but as I realise we were not of the computer era, so many will not be aware of it or don’t have a computer. Even so it is another route to help us keep in touch throughout the year leading up to our reunion, but sadly it now seems to be overlooked, but I have tried to give a comprehensive history of the school throughout the pages on the site.
11 April 2021

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