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Email recieved from Bill Campbell
I wonder if any of the Pelham boys remember the King brothers, Derek and Dennis?. Hope to hear from you soon. Bill.
26 October 2006

Bill Campbell | knockaden@yahoo.co.uk
The photo of Pelham marching back from church is as follows. Starting with D.Langley. First row, L/R S.Howard, N/K G.White, J.Law, S.Chamberlin, ?,McMahon, P.Law,R.Mann, R.Hillier. These are the only ones I can recognise. Any other names anyone can remember?.
26 October 2006 - N.I.

bobby mac
l told you it was steven howard do you remember pooly the house captin when came standby your bed and dont f....move ..........bobby mac
26 October 2006 - you know where

Steve Chamberlain | steve.chamberlain1@btinternet.com | www.sun&sand@bournemouth.co.uk
Pelham on the March
1st row: steve Chamberlain,Gordon White & Dennis ?
2nd row: Leslie Johnson,Joe Law,Steve Howard & Dave Langley
26 October 2006 - on the BEACH in Bournemouth

email recieved
on your 2006 reunion pictures the 6th one down on the right hand side are my dad raymond haldenby and my uncle peter haldenby.my dad has enjoyed reminising on your web site .
20 October 2006

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