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John Horn
Wishing all Goldings old boys what ever part of the world you may be in even if you did not belong to Aberdeen House. The best house at Goldings A Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.
John Horn 1942-45
18 December 2006

Mr Big Head
One day Pete Drummond and Dave Blower were trying to out do each other, and who knew the most people. Blower said, "I know the Mayor of Hertford very well" Pete said "Introduce me to him" So off they went to the Mayors Parlour in the Castle grounds.
Blower knocking on his door and waited, the Mayor answered the door "Hello Dave haven't seen you for a while, come in.
"I'm just off to a important council meeting, but they can wait a while, have a cup of tea with me"
Pete was aghast!! So who else do you know famous, thinking this was just a one off,.
“I know President Bush also”. Pete was pondering this latest boast and thought “Now I’ve caught him out, take me to meet him”
So off they went to the White House, walked past his body guards who waved to him
“How you doing Dave, haven’t seen you for a while, just go in he’s waiting to meet you”
By now Pete was dumbstruck, shaking his head in disbelief followed him to the Presidents room.
George Bush came and shook Daves hand and said “It’s been a long time Dave, just off to the U.N. for a big meeting on Iraq, but they can wait, have your self a coffee with me, who’s that with you, reminds of one of them Goldings Boys from the U.K. I’ll get one of my aides to protect the valuables while he’s here, looks a bit shifty to me what do you reckon Dave”
“He’s alright George just make sure he keeps his hands in his pockets”
By now Pete was dumbfounded, yes as a matter of fact he was quite good at it if you think back?
“I don’t believe you Blower you were only a mere Goldings Boy last time we were together” Dave now said “Pete I haven’t mentioned my best mate yet” “O yeah who’s that then” “The POPE “
Off they went to the Vatican. Dave said “Wait hear cause there isn’t room for both of us on the balcony. Pete was looking up to the balcony when this tourist said “I RECOGNIZE DAVE, BUT WHO’S THE BLOKE WITH HIM.

Our thanks to Len Harpin who supplied the words and music to this farce
18 December 2006 - 10 Downing Street Christmas Party

wicked queen | santas.grotto@iceland.com
18 December 2006 - ice palace

Len & Chris Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave&Mal&Family we would like to wish you a very happy. Christmas'
also to all Dr Barnardo boys &girls, where ever you are.
18 December 2006 - SLOUGH

snow white
the seven dwarfs were all in bed on christmas day and feeling happy happy got out of bed so they felt grumpy
18 December 2006

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