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Viewing messages 5236 to 5240.
Steve Chamberlain | steve@redwinevine.fr | www.redwine@redvineyard.fr
But we shop at Waitrose, darling.
12 August 2006 - Sunny Bournemouth

it has come to my attention that one of our boys is now chief engineer at tesco,s well done.now one of the perks of this acheivment is that all goldings boys get a 25% discount from Tesco,s.so next time any of you shop at your local tesco just mention the pass word for this discount is "I ALSO WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL AS PETER DRUMMOND" If they happen to throw you out the shop and accuse you of using foul language dont worry help is at hand just forward your estimated discount direct to his abode to receive your discount voucher as listed below

11 August 2006 - Sainsbury's

Peter | send4peter@blueyonder.co.uk
What you talking about boy
10 August 2006 - down the road

steve J Chamberlain | steve.chamberlain1@btinternet.com | S500@thebar.co.uk
Some one is being naughtie again,please use your own name when sending e-mails here.Not to worry I know who it is,I'll sort them out at next reunion.At the bar.
Enjoy the summer lads
10 August 2006 - Sunny(very hot)Bournemouth

Top of the class
Dear Mr Drummond it appears you are unable to answer the recent quiz on the Guest book is it another case like the previous quiz you were going to answer but you were beaten to it by another old boy.
p.s. due to your lack of plausible answers to average quizzes we shall along with the existing quiz have one for the under tens don't get beaten on that one.
8 August 2006 - your intrepid quizmaster Steve Chamberlain

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