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Viewing messages 5286 to 5290.
hello peter. I never had the ronuk and bumper punishment is it nice.
29 June 2006

Dave Blower
Heather Fogg has this week had her article concerning Goldings,our Old Boys reunion, and the unveiling of the bench, accepted by the editor of The Hertfordshire Countryside Magazine.
A copy will be put on the site, and I will let you all know when the magazine will be available.
So once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank Heather and Peter for all they seem to keep doing for us.
29 June 2006

Dave Blower
June 26 2006, Wimbledon.
rain stopped play, was there ever another Wimbledon that didn't actually start on the day it opened, because of bad weather? Bring back the Goldings lads,then perhaps the sun will return.
26 June 2006 - Centre Court Wet Wimbledon Day

peter | send4peter@blueyonder.co.uk
Due to information received Dave Blower is not a cad and his covert name is not Bertie, Bertie apparently it is another member of our faternity this means the ronuk and bumper punisment at the next reunion
26 June 2006 - kent

Stephen J Chamberlain | steve@redwinevine.fr | largeglass@redwine.fr
I see we are having a similar problem now that we had 40 years ago.
Boys not being nice to each other.
We all have to live in the same large house.But then I'm sure the boys we are talking about have learnt a lesson or too since then with life.
24 June 2006 - Blue Sky & Sun SHine in Bournemouth

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