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Peter Drummond | send4peter@blueyonder.co.uk
now I'm totally confused who's Bertie
20 June 2006 - Pin heads office

brian perrier
19 June 2006 - FRONT ROW COLOGNE

dont worry jeffrie whos this drumond geezer any way dont remember him sounds scottish to me might be a spy for blair or brown what clan are you do you blow the bagpipes and eat haggis
be wary of people who wear skirts cause that nice lad brian mentions about pipes in macandrew perhaps hes a plummer na dont remember a drumond in goldings ill check with fairy
19 June 2006 - parade ground

Hi Peter
No my name isn't cosher, it's jeffree!!
19 June 2006

Peter Drummond | send4peter@blueyonder.co.uk
Who is this jeffrie geezer identify yourself so that we can run a sucurity check on you to see if you are a cosher goldings boy or an interloper
19 June 2006 - kent

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