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Viewing messages 5326 to 5330.
Steve Chamberlain | steve@redwinevine.fr | www.redwine@redvineyard.fr
I no that song Y M C A and got fire fighters uniform,darling.
Hope the weather is good for u on top field.Started BBQ and set fire to the bloody fence for goodness sake,all food burn't to cinder.Not to worry wine OK(red)
6 June 2006 - Blue Sky & Sun SHine in Bournemouth

tom jones
ah my lovelies so good to see you continue the games we played didnt we so now we cast the first stone the free church minister had a giggle when i showed him the site yaki da my little buties
5 June 2006 - rhyadar

lucks like burligton berty and sweet drumond from portland have gott a nuw mate caled sweet stevie from the nayvy all we kneed now is that mick from chiswick and wheel all spend the day singing y m c a
have a nice day sayler
5 June 2006 - steven-age

Steve Chamberlain | steve.chamberlain1@btinternet.com | www.redwine@redvineyard.fr
I see the Man from Chiswick has been at the
bottle again.
You must share Tony as we all need to be as mad as you. Hic Hic Hic.
Mines a Large RED please.
4 June 2006 - Blue Sky & Sun SHine in Bournemouth

Who's Berty
Is it Burlington Berty from Bow?
Who we all feel we really should know.
Have you come on in disguise,
will we all be surprised,
When we learn what we really should Know!!
3 June 2006 - Chiswick

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