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Viewing messages 5346 to 5350.
congratulations dave 400 messages since feb 2005.
mind you we would still be on 395 if not for woody and our steve.
may be steve and jeffrie are having one down the pub in bournemouth
20 May 2006 - hikswick w4 5nq

jo king
message 399
20 May 2006 - Hertford

jeffrie | www.justlikethat.homestead.com/Downloads.html
alow lads just saw that mesag from steve chamberpot dont wury tone i will by you a drink his just being spitful he was like that hat goldings tel yoo another i who was lik that dan blower out of summersett what ever hapened to that other tow rag drumond use to tel on us at schol he was tight cud peal a orange in is left pocket with is wright hand and brian as told me that he has met a yunger woman whos loaded so has moved down south rememberr tone when wu use too practiss leep frog in the lung gras down botton feeled for sports day
seeya jeffrie butler 1961 too 1964 abherdeen
try my own website
20 May 2006

Stephen J Chamberlain | steve.chamberlain1@btinternet.com | www.tetroc.co.uk
Who's Jeffie from Bournemouth,Please
In regard holding hands,sod off.
But buy you all a drink anytime,brothers.
Give me a good women any time, no tony not you.Have a nice week end all.
20 May 2006 - West Cliff Bar, Bournemouth

hello all, i am so happy you all wont to be friends with me after all these years.as when i was there you all said horrible thinks about me,i will come to the next reunion if brian holds my hand as he used to when we went to the jim e rid all
19 May 2006 - bournmouth

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