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steve J Chamberlain | steve.chamberlain1@btinternet.com | www.tetroc.co.uk
Hi Folks
It seems strange to me that with all the boys that went thru GOLDINGS one way or another,very few come to the REUNION and very few seem to use this site or leave a message or two.Just a thought for 2006
10 January 2006 - Brrrrr West Cliff Bournemouth Dorset

Dave The Young One | www.goldings.org
Master Drummond,are you not aware from time to time we will introduce deliberate mistakes on our site.The motive for this is to make you all sit up and point this out instead of just browsing.There will be a reward for this vigilance handed out at the next re-union.At the moment, you are top with ten points,which just proves that at Goldings you wasn,t a total plonker all the time, Mr. Sheppard must have hit home at some stage.How are you Ann, got your work cut out with this one!!.
6 January 2006 - School Block

Peter Drummond | send4peter@blueyonder.co.uk
many thanks, David it's macandrew house bader wing: I don't know 56 years of age and you still can't get it right
3 January 2006 - Kent

sir perior | dilligaf@sodemall.not
congrats peter and anne
love brian
3 January 2006 - TIMBUCTOO

Dave | www.goldings.org
News and latest development in the Goldings gossip column.
Have been informed today that Master Peter Drummond became engaged to Ann on new years day. Our sympathy to Ann!! "because a puppy is for life, not just Christmas"! The forthcoming union will be on April the 1st, in MacAndrew house, Bader wing. Of cause, many gifts will no doubt follow, but a request from Ann for no more XXXXX Warmers, as the last six she has had to unravel, but she did make a nice coaster with the wool. A guard of honour on the day will be carried out by Goldings Old Boys, and will form up by the ablutions.
2 January 2006

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