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TIME NOW 16:51
13 May 2006

Full time result Liverpool win on penalties. Half ounce baccy, or a night out in Walsall. (IF MAL WILL LET ME)
13 May 2006

The Referee for todays Cup Final comes from Walsall
13 May 2006 - Walsall

time 2.45pm sat, 13th may west ham 2 liverpool 1.
£5.bet dave
13 May 2006 - london w4

Dave Blower | www.goldings.org
I am sure there was no surname disclosed, but as they say "If the cap fits wear it". If you listen to him when he walks he squeaks, we have tried W.D.40, Penetrating oil, all to no avail, oh well I don't think I will get a birthday card off him any more, anyway I'm not that bothered I get the same one every year, he must have bought a job lot the old skinflint.
While we are on the subject the painting by numbers competition for Goldings boys is now closed.The winner by a long chalk is Woody.His prize has now been dispatched...Pre- School Paints and Easy to follow Paint Book!!
I hope he didn't cheat and get his grand kids to help him!!!
10 May 2006

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