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Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Friday May 2nd will be the 10th anniversary of the tragic death of a former Barnardo boy, Justin Fashanu. Justin was a proffesional footballer who made his name with Norwich City and became the first Million Pound black player when Brian Clough signed him for Nottingham Forest in 1980.
I had the pleasure of knowing Justin for a time during his Nottingham Forest playing days and found him a likeable guy.
Justin Fashanu was the first and only proffesional player in Britain to come out as gay and he paid a high price for doing so. His brother John ( also a former Barnardo boy ) made him an outcast and he was ridiculed by Brian Clough who called him a poof. Clough barred Justin from the training and even had the police stop him from entering the training ground.
Many people did not agree with clough's actions and despite my respect for Clough, I told him he was out of order.
Much has been said about Justin Fashanu in the media and the press but what ever you think, he did not deserve to be treated in this way.
Following sexual allegations, which turned out to be unfounded, Justin Fashanu committed suicide on May 2nd 1998.

1 May 2008 - Nottingham

Alan Dearman
Friday May 2nd will be the 10th anniversary of the tragic death of a former Barnardo boy, Justin Fashanu
1 May 2008

BOBBY MAC 1962 66
Alan the answer to your question is the snooker table finished up in the old boys hut.Also last week was the week we began training for Wimbledon.
30 April 2008 - Roasting my socks off,how about you?

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Cant't argue with you Pop as Table Tennis was your game. I know that the conservatory did contain a snooker table at one time because I spent a lot of my miss spent youth in there when I first went to Goldings and it was also where I learned(in a fashion) to play the piano. I can also remember we would burn any old rubbish on the stove to keep warm. Can anyone remember What happened to the snooker table when the room later became the table tennis room? Room 6 was the lounge but I new it as the quiet room. I only spent one christmas at Goldings but I can remember an open fire in there, can you remember it Pop?
Look forward to seeing you at the next reunion, so in the mean time take good care of yourself
29 April 2008 - Nottingham

Nixons choir
Where's the Pantry
We're looking for the Pantry
But the Pantry is nowhere to be found
We looking for it here!
We're looking for it there!
We're looking for the Pantry Everywhere!
"Come on own up, who's nicked the Pantry?"
29 April 2008 - I bet it's empty when we find it Walkeden??

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