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Viewing messages 4416 to 4420.
len was driving down the road,and passes a woman driving the other way up the road.he opens his window and shouts "cow" so she does the same and shouts "pig"
she goes round the corner and crashes into a cow!
why don't women listen?
2 April 2008 - cooking my own tea!

Ann was showing some friends a photo album,and her friend said "Who's that bloke with muscules and curly hair,with a Goldings Blazer" "Thats Peter!"
"Well who's that fat balding bloke who lives with you now?"
2 April 2008 - counting down to 60?

Have just being speaking to Stanley Cann,who his coming to this years re-union after an abscence of four years.He his also bringing his brother Tony who lives in New Zealand,he tells me his other brother died,as there was three that went to Goldings.I'm quite sure that many of you lads out there will remember them 1955-59 for Stan,who trained to be a Carpenter.I don't know if anyone else remembers that Appleyard (the chaplain at the time at Goldings)had a Vintage Rolls Royce,and he parked it outside Wych Elm cottage were he lived,and they were allowed to sit in it and help him polish it,it looks like they were well blessed!
2 April 2008 - Whem I'm 64?

dr kildare
what is the largest organ in the human body
2 April 2008 - emergency ward 10

All fools day
"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year."
1 April 2008

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