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angell | tonytheglazer1@aol.com
o yes you did drummond,
i can tell by your hand writing
25 May 2008 - chiswick

oy whats going on i didnt put that last message on
24 May 2008

fight fight up top field after school perrier and angell over bacca money
24 May 2008

brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
yea tony and you still owe for them so start saving cos they were all a tanner saturday.
i will be looking for 5/6p at the next reunion or else
24 May 2008 - stevenage

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Dave, our dorm in Somerset House was one floor up from our sitting room where Mr and Mrs Goodman had their rooms
Skip Culver had his room below the Goodmans the same floor as Somerset sitting room where every night after tea I would get caught smoking roll ups, under age by Mr Goodman I blame Brian Perrier,he gave them to me on credit!!
23 May 2008 - chishik

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