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Viewing messages 4326 to 4330.
Many thanks Bob,my problem was coachcroaches in the pongo,never touched pongo since,as for Jack I think he's in that kitchen in heaven still with a runny nose,and probaly still in the Salvation Army.Can you give me a run down of your day at Goldings,cause it looks like the other lot are too laid back to bother.Pet Clarke is on Smooth Radio tonight at 6'o'clock,I will e-mail them to remind her cutting a record with Barnardo kids.
30 May 2008

Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
Correct it was Nurse Underwood.
I remember working in the kitchens with Jack Cooper what he did to Pin heads sandwiches does not bear repeating. is Jack still with us. thinking of those kitchens I remember big trays of fried eggs taken off the stoves and slid across the floor to the dining room hatch past the spud machine and through the puddle of dirty water that always seem to be there never have been able to fancy fried eggs since then how we never got food poisonimg is a miracle
29 May 2008 - Wet Gold Coast Australia

hi bobby I hope you had a good birthday
I hope to see you next year because ann an I are coming to bahamas for a holiday and hope to meet up with you and roma, hope you had a good day see you soon peter Drummond
Macandrews house
29 May 2008 - Kent

brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
alan the odds must be shorter then fulhams were to stop up lol
28 May 2008 - stevenage rd sw6

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi everyone, Hope you all enjoyed the Bank holiday weekend and looking forward to the summer.
I shall miss the banter over the next two weeks and look forward to reviewing it all again in the middle of June when I return from holiday.
Yes, it's that time of year again and I will be off to Dover tomorrow evening for a late night Ferry. After an overnight stay in Calais I shall point the car south, and it's off to Espania again.
Anyone tried camping or caravaning in Spain? I prefer the Caravan(At the tender age of 40, I need comfort!) If you want to know more, log on to go4spain.net and click on to Castel Montgri.
Just for the record, I'm still waiting for them b++++++s at ABTA to cough up for my lost 2007 Christmas holiday when Travelscope went belly up.
Enjoy the summer.

28 May 2008 - Nottingham

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