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Clifford Steele
I may be in my dotage but Bobby Mac is correct. On the first floor plan rooms 21 and 22 in our day was one room and it was Skip's room. Any more questions - no fee required.

23 May 2008

Bobby Mac
I think your wrong about room 22 Dave that was Skips room.
Mr and Mrs Goodmans rooms were on the higher level! Paul Walkeden will remember I'm sure.
What do you remember Pop?
22 May 2008 - over the pond

Bob McNamara
If you go on the new symbol front page,the Abel Smith ground plan.
No 9 Embo's office,with a secret sliding panel leading to staff dining hall

No 10 Staff Dining room.

No 3 This is were we collected stamps for our letters,had money out of our bank.Tap on the hatch door,and you would be served (can't remember the times for it to be open.

No 13 Prefects room,and were the Pinola finished up! as I used to play it when I was on night watchman duty.

No 19 By the side off this in the passage way was a set of steps which would take you under room 19,this was the headmasters pantry (Pinhead)His food was cooked in the kitchen,but in the pantry was put on "posh plates" and taken to his quarters by the headmasters boy,and each house had to take it in turn for this duty.Usually this was a well behaved boy that was chosen (lickers)due to the fact that foreign bodies could enter his covered silver ware???that his meal was hopefully protected by this cover from boys in the passage way,that may want to "get there own back" for any punishment he may have dished out!!

Just like to quote Angus McGeogh
one time headmasters boy.
"When we got his dinner we would run like hell up the passage way before the senior boys had nicked it all,sometimes by the time we had got to his study it it was half empty,and we would have to go back for more??"
Angus Somerset,I may have forgotten to tell you,
I am Bobby McNamara another Somerset House Captain 1966.
15 May 2008 - What happened to the other houses

Somerset leads the way once more
Listen here!!
School,school attention,morning Mr Wheatley.
14 May 2008 - Assembly

John Sansom(Sam) Another Somerset HC | john.sansom@tesco.net
Yes Somerset did very well at all sports when I was there many years ago!!, only Mt Steven were in the same class. It was a very enjoyable time and the School gave you every encouragement to compete. I was speaking to Joan James today she is in touch with Peter Taber(Tabs) in Canada. I hope to pass the Goldings Web address on to him, as Im sure he will be very interested
14 May 2008 - Hertford

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