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Happy Birthday Bobby Mac
59 he tells us but he's gotta be 65 if he's a day, but not in his head, in his head he's still in the Carpenters shop at Goldings, off on skeets with that Tommy Hill and the crazy gang getting in trouble.
Have a great day Bob.
28 May 2008 - The lunatic fringe

Many thanks Bob,some of the lads seem to think it was nurse Underwood? does that ring a bell.It seems perhaps he didn't drink our tea? which may have curbed his ardour towards females? did they use bromide? Jack Coopers not about to confirm this rumour? or was it just another Goldings fairy story,like the tunnel down to bottom field,or the secret passage way behind the fireplace in the main reception as told to me by Albert Barfield,or was he having a wind up with a "spare"
The bumper it appears was about 14" square with small brush airs about half inch deep,and support wood on the top round the edges,with a 4-5 steel ball....is that correct as described by Bobby Mac?
The Crystal set I listened to Cassius Clay beating Sonny Liston on American Forces Network,3'o'clock in the morning 1963.
But I am still waiting for a day in the life of a Goldings boys timetable? any offers?Dave
28 May 2008

Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
Interested to see John was a Saturday Salesman at Burtons so was I from 1956 to 1959 I was also a Nursing Assistant at Hertford County Hospital in the evenings and holidays also worked as a bar man Saturday nights at the Three Tuns Pub hard to realise its 50 yts ago.
My crystal set was in a shoe box there was quite a nack to twisting the cats whisker to get the best reception I was in the small dorm in Mt Stephen right opposite Pin Heads quarters we had to cross the polished floor outside his flat to get to the 6 bed dorm the Nursing Sisters Husband was our housemaster Frank Orfield does anyone remember the Nurse Pin head had a crush on her
28 May 2008 - Gold Coast Australia

Dave Blower
I wonder if any of you can help me out with the following.Crystal sets,how we made them,and what components we used including the box it was housed in.
The bumper,size,wood used,size of the steel ball?etc.A day in the life of a Goldings boy? Bobby Mac,and Paul Walkden have gave me some clue's,we got up at 6-45? the bugle tune,wash and then down to the dining room,back up to dorms ,clean up and wait for inspection,then down to trade's-school.
I need more help to fill in the day including weekend.Lets get this information on the site before we all forget,and show it to our family and friends before it's lost forever,many thanks Dave.
27 May 2008

minder | inthegym@goldings.com
the only hazel I know is a girl boy named hazel blower and I'm fed up not hard up
27 May 2008 - pin heads office

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