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School Block Subject Spelling??
Has our friend Peter gone to Hawii,Hawaii,or Hawill,and are they the same place?? perhaps not
1 June 2007 - A.y.e.

tony when are you going to give us the answer they were rich and famous but whats the rest.
1 June 2007 - on google

Captain Birds Eye
Taking Ann to Hawaii,thats a joke,he asked one of his former sea dogs for a lift on one of the oil tankers going that way,Ann doesn't know yet! wait till she finds out and she's got to clean the decks for the lift.I watched him once he held a pound note that tight it strangled the Queen.
31 May 2007 - Warsaw

peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
I'm taking Ann to Hawaill and we are leaving tonight.
Blower's taking Mal to Walsall again and he calls me tight.
31 May 2007 - kent

Bob Cox | romacox.18@ntlworld.com
Have been offline for alittle while, and have just heard of the passing of Bob Newton, so very sad, as he encoraged me to box for my House, (Somerset),being House Captain at the time it was also expected, but i was no natural pugilist, but i won through with his encouragement, and was awarded Boxer of The Year, by Fred Verlander. Bob also taught us the facts of life in a very colourful but, factual way, which has seen me through life without mishap, may he Rest in Peace.
30 May 2007 - Bournemouth

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