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Dave Blower
It,s with a little bit of shock and deep regret that Bob Newton passed away last night.His wife has just rang me to tell me the very sad news.He went into a coma last week ,and never recovered.Funeral details are as follows...2-30 on the 11th May at Watton -at -Stone, Mrs Newton request no flowers,but on the day a collection on behalf of Barnardo's.I will attend and it's open to all former boys and staff to attend.I will inform you all of any more details as they occur.
30 April 2007 - A very sad day

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi all, whats this world coming to,things are going from bad to worse, what with global warming-Bulgaria entering the E.E.C and Birmingham entering the Engilsh Premiership.
What could happen next-an earth quake in Hertford on October the 2nd we'll have to erect a Marquee down the bottom field.
Then Peter Drumstick will turn up late and tell us he couldn't find a parking space.Steve Chamberpot will say he got lost, Micky Gay will say he only did the London Knowledge.Tommy Hill will be stuck down the pub,hik,and Woody will be having another baby as usual?? well not Woody,but one of his many offsprings,good on ya Woody,no wonder you can't come any more.
Anyhow I'll be there,Man United for ever, and the Goldings old boys.
29 April 2007 - london

Hi John great to have you back,
as you can see from the guest book I'm in Hertford on the 20th May, also Tony probably Brian, and we always know where we can find Angus, so if your free that weekend it would be great to see you as well.As for your team,well like Newcastle,West Ham United are another sleeping giant that may never return to there former glories,still "Never mind eh" as the quote went from that wonderful former master "Skip" I can still smell the St Bruno in Somerset dorm.
29 April 2007

ANGELL | tonythepainter@aol.com
Hi Dave, I just had a look at the profile page, and that guy with Bob Newton is not me ,I think its that imposter Berty who went to the re -union last week, he must be mad it's only April.
I'll see you 20th May in Hertford, bring the bugle tony.
28 April 2007 - LONDON

John Mercury | jmercs2000@yahoo.com
Hi all, long time no speak, hope you are all well especially Dave and Bobby Mc and Brian and Tony who I met some time back at Goldings

Please give a thought to my team WHU who are going through difficult times at the moment ;-)
27 April 2007

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