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dave can you re write your message as it is not legible?
21 May 2007 - atcollegeforthedyslexicoldboys

Dave Blower
A Mr David Willacy from the Hertfordshire Football League has now contacted me with the idea of donating a football cup or shield from Goldings Old Boys and Staff,of which he is in agreement,but he has to discuss it at their A.G.M. tonight.He has suggested that it should go to the under 14's,which I think will slot into the relevant age group at our former school, and will be presented at Letchworth Football ground annually.The wording and reason we put on this cup is open to suggestions.
So is someone out there that can lend me a jemmy to prise the money off Jimmy for it???
21 May 2007

peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
Can't get my hand in blowers pocket Mel sown it up
20 May 2007 - inthepub

It was obvious to us old boys you could never read properly,because reading was a word that should have been in your company have read "pleading" that nobody asked you to get the next round in?? hik hik at chishik
19 May 2007 - still waiting for a drink off Peter 1964- 2007

Peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
I have been reading about the Evils of drink, so I've given up reading
19 May 2007 - kent

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