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Dave Blower
Jimmy,between me and Brian we think "Dog Spotter" was a Goldings boys who spent a lot of time looking on the floor???
9 June 2007 - two's up

chapman | janet .chapman @ntlworld.com
brian, did you know that there were in fact four hermaphrodites at goldings during the 60s. these were of course discovered whilst having there medical.two of them were put in Mc Andrew the main reason for this being that thy didn't have to climb the stone staircase because as pointed out by the painter man the poorly fitting shorts and under pants would have given the game away. another one was a member of staff who worked in the needlework room her nickname was 7 o'clock, this was because she had this massive beard.the final one escaped the net until a few days ago, sadly they were not allowed to attend Wimbledon! once again the main reason being, the poor fitting shorts and underpants!!
9 June 2007

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
The second message under this, about wimballdon has been censored, apparently if you write about wimballdon you can't mention the word balls,which I think is a load of...bullick
8 June 2007 - london

Dave Blower
Well Jimmy,it looks like old father time has erased "dog spotter" from my memory,so like all Goldings lads I resorted to the easy way out "Google" So I typed in the word "DOG SPOTTER"
The answer came up "Confirmation Brian?? please refer to Mr Nixon at St Albans.Google never lies??
8 June 2007 - mr and mrs lartis the yokes on me

ANGELL | tonythepainter@aol.com
Jimmy I read your story about wimbledon and the black pumps, and it reminded me of a story I heard about Johnie A, when he was a ball boy at wimbledon, he was on one knee at the net, and his opposite parntner at the other end of the net, saw some young girls laughing. and what came to pass was, his b***s were hanging out of his shorts. maybe he was hoping that one day he would meet ball girls
7 June 2007 - LONDON

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