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Dave Blower
No Brian,that was not confirmation,that was to enable you to cross over to Somerset from Macandrew.
We in Somerset insisted that you were purged of Nixons mannerism's and promised to foresake any future actions that would associate you being a licker, as all Macandrew were, as this was taboo in Somerset.It now appears after the passing of many years you now resorted to your former Macandrew habit
7 June 2007

jimmy chapman | janet.chapman2@ntlworld.com
dave, you could have had my place at wimbledon i hated it, cheap labour if you ask me £3.00 odd for two weeks work.the second year i did not put my name down but the rev pursued me and made me go.what about those black pumps we had to wear,i can remember standing on court 3 in the blazing sun,my feet were cooking i now have toes like chipolatas. Wonder what Barnardo's got paid for supplying ball boys!ummmm
7 June 2007 - aylesbury

brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
dave my confimation was done by john bedford the bishop of bedford so bang goes your conspiracy theory also he only took smart polite young men to the palace of tennis excellance hence your exclusion
6 June 2007 - stevenage

brian what is a sue-dow-and-hyms is that somthin we had at saturday teatime on toast, to replace welsh rarebit???
6 June 2007 - mr nixons choir boy

Jimmy as far as I know after Goldings he became the Chaplain at St Albans from what I have read. If you remember when we had confirmation who used to do it the Bishop of St Albans?
Looks like you scratch my back I'll scratch yours!!
I couldn't stand the man personally, He was in charge of the Wimbledon selection and would never let me go, we got on so well!!
6 June 2007

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