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Viewing messages 4836 to 4840.
Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net | Aberdeen House
Hi Jack it is great to know you was in
Goldings the same time as me I spent a lot of time in the Kitchen also the Dinning room .it is great to think that we all can contact any one by Computer look how quick you responded It's a brilliant ,Website thanks to Dave ¬ forgetting all that helps
13 June 2007 - Slough

jack cooper | jack-cooper@majbabras.com
len i was working in the kitchin in 44 due to a gammy leg and i know we called it pongy so i think the webmaster must have cocked up the spelling he was illiterate when he left goldings
12 June 2007 - salvation house hostel

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net | Slough
Hi Jack it might have been Pongo
in your time . but in my time 1944 -1948 it was known as Pongy & was it Lumpy
12 June 2007 - ABERDEEN . HOUSE

jack cooper
put a bowl of goldings pongo by you nothing will go near that
10 June 2007 - kitchens

brian perrier | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
sorry bobby i thought your name was bobby bates for years cos blower used to say my mate Master Bates when refering to you it was only later i found out it was your fondness for caressing the bath water
10 June 2007 - stevenage

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