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Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
Congratulations to all those who worked to put the bench in place sorry I could not be there but agree its a great idea to provide another one I would be happy to donate funds towards it
2 May 2006 - Australia

The bench commemoration was a huge success, I think a good time was had by all. There were lots of local residents of Waterford (where the bench has been situated) present as well as Old Boys, and the weather, well we couldn't of asked for better, if someone was driving through Waterford village last Saturday they would of thought it was a Gala garden party with everyone outside taking their tea and cakes and chatting amongst themselves,
Well I thoroughly enjoyed the day, in fact the whole weekend I was there, meeting friends chatting and listening to old memories, from some of the nicest men I could of wished to meet. So as I suggested to Jimmy as the day came to a close lets start organising another bench, and do it all again.
David has now put photographs on the photo gallery. I hope you will take the time to look, and hopefully remember the day
28 April 2006

Recieved today from Johnny Allen

Hi Tony
Thanks for your reply we did send an email to Tommy but we have had no reply.
Mick hasnt sent me an email yet.
Our email address is gjallenspain@yahoo.co.uk
I really liked the Goldings webb site it bought tears to my eyes.
Speak soon Johnny
24 April 2006

Peter | send4peter@blueyonder.co.uk
Mel saw your message about st george's day and remembered a little greeting, it goes like this
I awake today and see light rain falling from grey skies.I breath in & smell freshness in the air.I hear birds in the trees & see the greeness of our land. I feel a warm contented glow inside because i have won first prize in life.I am an english man . Happy st georges day be proud
24 April 2006 - Kent

St Georges Day
Tony reminded us yesterday that 23rd April, was St George's Day. Our Emblem the Red Rose of England. Its not celebrated as it should be, other countries such as Ireland or America put on much larger celebrations than the English.
so I just thought I would give it a mention
23 April 2006 - IN ENGLAND

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