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Viewing messages 4076 to 4080.
I would just like to tell you all that Brian Perrier 1962-65 was yesterday admitted to intensive care.
All our thoughts are with you Brian.
25 December 2008 - Ellen Perrier

John Hilton
Hi Dave

Just to say thanks for the photo you sent me, very good.
Hope everyone enjoys Christmas and the new year.

All the best John
24 December 2008

the stallion
Hi Dave and Mal, have a happy christmas mate hope to see you in the new year.Just off to Hertford shop lifting,hope pinhead don't search me when I get back.In need some of that posh soap,sick of washing with that carbolic.Wishing all Goldings Old Boys and Staff a happy christmas and a happy new year Paul,Jan,and Katie
24 December 2008 - Norfolk

John Horn
Hi Dave.here's wishing you Mal, Shell, Alan, Josh. and young Dave a very merry Christmas and a happy and credit crunch free new year. Please convey my best wishes to Pete, Ann and Katie as I do not have their e mail address. I'm starting Xmas early this year I'm going for a pint after the Chelsea Everton match. Buy Mal a Christmas drink from me I'll give you the half crown at the next re-union.
keep well lots of love.John& Mavis.
Merry Christmas to all who went to Goldings
23 December 2008 - Goldings Aberdeen 42/45

Bob Whibley 43-46 Cairns
A xmas message sent by Bob and Rene

Dave thanks for the photo,s and news from this years re-union,next door opened it up for me with his chain saw ! plus I also saw a bit more news in the Guild messenger.
I do sometimes wonder if any of them in the "Jungle" ever went to Goldings because we ate a few cockcroaches in our time and only got paid 3d,some people have all the luck!!
My best wishes to you all Bob.

P.S. For those that are not aware Bob has had Cancer of the Tongue,and hasn't had the best 2008,lets just hope 2009 turns out better for him.
Another unknown fact, Bob was at Goldings with Frank Norman and remembers him well.
23 December 2008 - Down with the Flu

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