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Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi len, I know where you are coming from and could not agree with you more.
I was One of many opposed to the removal of DR. and when I speak to the Press, Media and members of the public I alway say I was Raised in Dr Barnardo's Homes. I was talking to some friends I had made on my Holiday in Austria at Christmas and would you believe that one of them told me he was
also in Dr Barnardos homes, having been fostered in Gloucester. He now lives just 15 miles from me in Loughborough and we intend to keep in touch.
I still find it hard to believe that it is 50 years to-day since leaving Goldings, where have all those years gone? I know some of them contain some great reunions over the years and I hope there are a few more ahead.
4 January 2009 - Nottingham

Hello Rita,many thanks for the interest shown in our site and the interesting facts you shed on "The Old House" and grounds which once was our home and seat of learning.I am very interested on information you can give us of your time there,but I would hope unlike us you didn't start and finish work to the sound of a bugle..ha ha.I do hope you gather from our site the awe and fondness we now have of it, and the reason we all try to re-unite every year at our re-union,of which you and your family are most welcome to visit and view our extensive array of photo's of the home throughout the years,and the recently discovered film from 1922 of the Prince of Wales at the official opening of the school.A few queries you may be able to throw some light on,were the stained glass windows still in the chapel? also the two honours boards which were on the wall close by to the spiral staircase.Just out of interest the hospital was called "six bay" and there is some very funny stories to be told about that.The majority of staff were very dedicated to us and some legends were formed around them for there outstanding support to us,and one to this day still attends re-unions with us and is held in high regard by us,and he travels every year from the north east of England (you know were they still can't talk properly..ha ha )I better stop else I'll be on a charge! sorry "Pop".I did myself visit in the early 80's when the council were there but they only allowed me into reception.The swimming pool and tennis courts are now gone but perhaps they were still there in 1969,and we do know they turned the chapel into a sport facility,but can you tell me what did they use our Gym and School for,or any more facts you can help us out with.The other thing we are trying to remember is the colours of the walls,or would it have been re-decorated by 1969.Well Rita many thanks for your very interesting memories as it appears that "The Old Place" gave some more happy times long after we vacated it,so nice to hear from you,lets hope we can exchange more in time "Goldings"
3 January 2009 - Looking back in time

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Alan .I agree with what you say but our dear friend,and I have alway's said we was not brought up to thank Barnardo's because we was brought up in .Dr. Barnardo's .
3 January 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
What were you doing on January 4th 1959? The chances are, if you were still at Goldings, you were doing the same as me. Getting up around 7pm and waiting for the Sunday papers to arrive so we could read the football reports. It was then off to the ablution block to get ready for breakfast. After breakfast it was make your bed, tidy the dorm and then start getting ready for morning parade and church. If you were in the band you would be getting your gear on while the rest of us would be in grey flannels, green blazers and ready to march behind the band to church, but for those of us with "Gammy legs" etc. we were exempt from the march. This particular Sunday was special but sad in many ways for myself as I was to sing in the choir and read the lesson for the last time because today I was leaving Goldings and Barnardo's to go out into the big open world, leaving behind many friends who had become my family. There were no video/DVD recorders, colour TV, Mobile phones or computers etc. What changes we have all seen in the last 50 years, but what fantastic memories most of us have of our childhood in Barnardo's. How many of todays children have sung with Petula Clark, been to Wimbledon as ball boys, visited the Royal Tournament, Bertram Mills circus, The Royal Mint, Watched an FA amateur cup final at Wembley, Whats my line? at the BBC, seen Roy Rogers & Trigger at Haringay arena?.....The list is endless and we all owe Barnardo's so much.
Thanks to technology, the dedication of many Golding staff and old boys, past and present over the last 50 years, I say to you all "Thanks for the memories"
3 January 2009 - Nottingham

Ellen informed me today that Brian Perrier took poorly again this afternoon and was returned to Intensive Care at 3pm.
He knows we're all there with him

2 January 2009

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