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Sad News email received today
Monday, 29 December, 2008,
Hi Dave,
Just been given the very sad news that Brian Balderson has died this morning. It is common knowledge that Brian was the boy who first called me Pop and I have been Pop to all connected to Goldings ever since. Even his wife, daughters and Grand Children still call me Pop. When I make the annual pilgrimage from the North East to the reunion it is with Brian and his wife that I stay with. He will be sadly missed. Brian was 65 and had been quite ill this year.
29 December 2008

Webmaster comments   Brian came into the school and was a member of Buxton Junior House in Winter 1956, then into Cairns Senior House. His trade was a Carpenter and School Prefect in 1959. He received his colours for Lawn Tennis and Table Tennis. He left in October 1959

Ellen Perrier | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
Hi all,
Thank you for your kind messages, it did make christmas a bit different this year. It all started when the rumour went round that I would be buying a drink for everyone at the next reunion.
Hope to speak to you all when I get out of hospital
29 December 2008

Spoke to Ellen today
Brian Perrier is out of intensive care now and in the high dependency unit so there is a little improvement there
29 December 2008

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Arrived back from Austria late last night and had a fabulous Christmas in the Tyrol with plenty of snow.
I was sorry to hear about brian being in hospital and I wish him a speedy recovery.
In the mean time, a happy new year to you all.
29 December 2008

John Horn | john.horn@btinternet.com
So sorry to hear my dear friend Brian is in hospital,get well soon Brian you are always there at Stevenage bus station to greet me when I come to the re-unions and I appreciate it so much.
love to you and Ellen.
John Horn.
27 December 2008 - Manchester.

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