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Viewing messages 4031 to 4035.
Have a happy birthday pop.
I bet he could still catch us if we were out of bounds have a good'n Pop
Paul Jan Katie
22 January 2009 - Stoke on Trent

Peter Drummond / Macandrew | send4peter1@ymail.com
Many happy returns pop
22 January 2009 - chatham, kent

Alan Dearman 55-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Watching the breakfast scene in Waterloo Road this evening, so much reminded me of our beloved dinning room.
21 January 2009 - Nottingham

This friday is a very eventful day in the history of Goldings as it's the birthday of one of the most respected members of Goldings,and in one season scored 60 goals for us,to which he reminds me as I only scored 1!
"Happy birthday Pop"
21 January 2009 - To the top man

John Horn | john.horn@btinternet.com
Thanks to all my golding's friends for the kind wishes for a happy birthday,I'm pleased to say I am now 18 in reverse of course. I'm taking Mavis out tonight for a drink or two with a bit of luck I could make it her birthday also.
Ellen I'm so pleased to hear Brian is so much better may he continue to improve please give him our very best regards.
John and Mavis Horn
19 January 2009 - Manchester.

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