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Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi everyone,
Just been looking at the profile page and took a look at Bill Knights profile. Bill was at Golding the same time as myself but I can only vaguely remember him and that's only because he was in the Boot and shoe shop like myself.
Bill has submitted some great photo's and one I spotted, was of Mr Russel. Can anyone remember him? I believe he was an ex sergeant Major in the Army before coming to Goldings. I remember when he first came he seemed a nice guy but he turned out to be a nasty piece of work. I remember him picking on me one day in the dining hall and we being involved in an afray and Frank Offord had to part us, but not before I gave him a nice shiny black eye. I think I spent the following Saturday afternoon scrubbing the stone passage.
Anyway, to more pleasant things. I hope this year I WILL reach the Austrian Tyrol to spend Christmas as I am going with a local coach company this year. WATCH THIS SPACE !! In the mean time may I wish you all a very, very happy Christmas and a happy new year for 2009
13 December 2008 - Nottingham with Saint Brian!

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Dave don't you think it's about time to change the front page, for xmas?
he wasn't a "patch" on Mr Newton anyway.
8 December 2008 - backontherockandroll humbug

himself | send4peter1@ymail.com
I have been saying for years that David was a tight git, he still has the ten bob note in his wallet which Pinhead gave him when he left goldings
and Mal is still waiting for her holiday in the sun
7 December 2008 - sunny chatham

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Maybe not Dave, at last christmas i did the same thing with the hair tonic for the back of your head.
Not only did you not notice, it didn't work ever!!
tony xxx
6 December 2008 - LONDON

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Dave you are a tight git .I will tell Mal when I see her at the next Reunion only Joking.
5 December 2008 - Colnbrook Slough

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