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Viewing messages 4116 to 4120.
Cliff Steele
I've studied the group photo, some faces are obviously familier but I cannot put names to them. I agree with the ones already named, excepting Joe Law. However the lad second from the left in the middle row is definitely Raymond Bowden. Sorry can't be more helpfull.
14 November 2008

peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
ref our stay at the white horse
meanwhile dave is chatting to the barman at hotel and being blower ended up being totally red faced after asking the barman to chase him, and finding that eddie the barman was not the chasing type.
13 November 2008 - somewhere down south

Ref front page,
Back row-L-R John Allen,?,?,Keith McSweeney,David Fall,?,Billy Campbell,?,?,?,Trevor Davison.
Middle Row-L-R ?,?,David Tate,?,?,Daniel Coffey,?,Barry Davison.
Front Row-L-R ?,?,Mr Sheppard,?,Pinhead,?,?.
Help us old boys out "Pop" as some of us?were not allowed to these P,R,visits in case we "pinched anything" Have a rusk on me?
13 November 2008 - The Glaxo Mafia?

Angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Photo on front page, on this trip was it compulsory to have big ears.
Top row 2nd in Joe Law, 4th David fall
Next row 2nd in, looks like Bobby mc?? 7th boy Danny coffey, last in that row Barry Davidson.
Saw some faces I know but can't put a name to them
12 November 2008 - LONDON

Thomas the Tank
I've been sworn to secrecy on this one but I've got to tell someone.
As you all know most of us stopped at the White Horse for the reunion.Well we all went down to the dining room there for an evening meal. We were all looking at the menu wondering what to eat, when this really dishy waitress walked over and said to Peter "would you like to order sir"? Peter ogling her said "A quickie please" The young girl was shocked! she paused and thought I've misheard him I'll ask him again "so sorry sir my mind isn't quite with it today, could I take your order again, so sorry and room number and what you would like to eat sir?" Well Peter in his laid back cockney / Goldings accent said "Number nine, and a quickie? Furious she slaps his face and goes to get the manager. At this Tony Angell leans over and said "Peter you pronounce it "KEESHE" Quiche???
11 November 2008 - Back to the school block Drummond

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