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Email received Tommy Hill
Davy the lad in centre of pic 5 2nd left of Mr Sheppard is Michael Crowe and the lad at the extreme right is Daniel Coffey
22 November 2008

Alan Dearman - Barnardo NationalCouncil Member | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Good Evening to everyone. Are you aware that Barnardos have this week launched a PR campaign to raise awareness of the work done by Barnardos today. The campaign focuses on the theme of 'Children in Trouble' It continues with TV adverts from November 25 - December 21 and online adverts from November 24 - January 2009.
The first air time will be November 24 at 9.20pm on ITV, Channel 4 and channel 5.
log onto barnardos.org.uk to learn more about the campaign and watch the 90 second film "Hunting" I have viewed it and found it hard hitting. thank goodness the general public did not think this way when we were youngsters. I'm sure the campaign will create some interesting debate on our Goldings site.
19 November 2008 - Nottingham

Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
sorry Dave can't help, macandrew boys did'nt go on trips like that we only went to wentworth for the golf and wimbledon for the tennis
18 November 2008 - sunny Chatham

email recieved Keith Bishop
Ref front page The Galxo visit
Nope sorry Dave, the only ones I recognise are already named, but I query Keith McSweeny 4th in back row.....?
16 November 2008

email recieved
Kia Ora.... Greetings from New Zealand.
Thank you very much for the effort you, your family and others put into the reunion. We enjoyed seeing some of our old Goldings school friends.
Attached are photo's that we took of the reunion. I have seen the ones posted on the Goldings web site. The ones from Alan Dearman shows one of my brother Stanley and mentions my name. It should read Stanley & Christine Cann with Henry Peet Thanks again for a tremendous effort Regards Tony
14 November 2008

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