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Viewing messages 4311 to 4315.
walk in the park
Today my grandson Josh 5 years old who some of you may remember from the reunions and his friend Courtney 6 years old, walked a 6 mile sponsored walk for Diabetes uk this afternoon and we're all very proud of them, it was such a long way for tiny feet to travel
I'll let you know how much they raised when they have all the figures in
Well done Josh and Courtney
8 June 2008 - Arboretum in Walsall

Ann and Burty
Burty the Waterford pub is still open to paying customers!but there was a rumour that Drummond was in the area,so they boarded it up,but now they know he's in Spain they have re-opened it.Just knock on the side door to get in,but don't mention that you know Drummond!.As for the comment "we thought we got rid of you lot 40 years ago" perhaps they thought you was Drummond...see ya Ann and Burty
7 June 2008 - In a bar with him,drinking tea!!

Hello Alan,just like to tell you to be careful in Spain as Drummonds out there also,so if you do bump into him don't take him for a drink,because it's still taking me over 40 years to get him to buy a round? Keep to the side streets if want to avoid him,mind you Ann's alright,she does pay her way.So if you do meet him,wait till he goes to the toilet....then scarper!

alan dearman | alan.dearnan@ntlworld.com
Hi lads, just checked out the site to see if you are all alive and well. Lassie and Harold wilson indeed. You forgot "Black Beauty" as well. Must get back out into the sun as I am still on holiday
7 June 2008 - Still in Estatit in sunny spain

After waiting 2 days out side the Waterford Arms, I went for a kip on our bench and got nicked, they said we thought we got rid of you lot 40 years ago. "charming".
5 June 2008 - out side hertford nick .in the internet cafe.

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