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Viewing messages 4316 to 4320.
gardening department
if satsuma's don't have pips,how do you grow the tree for them?and were do they come from?
4 June 2008 - goldings orchard

4 June 2008 - ELLSTREE

Neville Flecther
Who recalls Mr Rowland doing Rugby on Saturday down bottom field ? and the big guy in gym who could never make it over the Horse(W.B.T.S. box)and always ran into it?to the utter frustration for Mr Newton,flying angels,british bulldog,and going round the gym,but you could not touch the floor?
4 June 2008 - On the wall bars

Yes,and who will own up as a budding printer being told to fetch the striped ink?
3 June 2008 - Dusty Millar

Bobby Mac
One of the first projects you did when you went into the carps shop was you were given a piece of wood about 15" long by about 1"and a quarter square.
You then had to plane it down to 1"square,and 12" long,then form a three penny bit shape (polygon shape)using a marker guage,and to finally make it 1" round.Mark it off in increments of 1 eighths,to make it into a 12"rule.You then took it to "Stormy Tempest for marking?he would put it onto the bandsaw flat bed and roll it over it,if he could see light between it he would "Chuck into the bin?and start again?
3 June 2008 - Mr Nutters Shop

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