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Do you think its possible that some of you could get off your butts,and e-mail your local radio stations or newspaper to put us were we belong headline news regards Wimbledon,or failing that give me the information to do it for you!
27 June 2008 - Trying to get Goldings remembered

Just waiting for the B.B.C. Sue Barker,the Sun,and the Express and Star,a newspaper on sale in the Midlands.Anybody got any other avenues we should go to?
26 June 2008 - One finger typing lessons.

Email sent and recieved today to Smooth Radio
To Smooth radio Carlos
Carlos I listen to smooth radio every day, so perhaps you and your listeners could just listen a few moments to me. As this is the Wimbledon fortnight I just thought your listeners would like to know that my former school was ball boys for Wimbledon from 1946-66,and I'm sure many of them listen to your station. I just thought you could help us out in finding them as we hold an Annual re-union every year, and dearly like to find more. The one incident in 1964 was when one of our lads had to wake the line judge as she had fallen asleep. The school was William Baker Technical School "Goldings" Hertford, Dr Barnardo homes that closed in 1967.Keep up the good work and perhaps visit our web site for more information
Many thanks Dave Blower

His reply
Hi Dave
What an amazing story. Leave it with me and I'll give it a mention or
two over the next few days and see if we can assist with the reunion.
Thanks for listening and keep in touch.

26 June 2008

Mr Ten Bob
I feel I must reply to the inuendos and slight on my character by just a few of my former Goldings boys? To the one who questions my spelling...well I can't help it if she bought me a Cambridge dictionary from the pound shop and some pages are missing Ike,thats why I blamed the "missus" To the little fella down South who you can plainly see in the Video is trying to blow up the Science Block with Keith Bishop and Mr Rowlands is coming over to stop them,as we all know the "bomb" was made a few years later?
To suggest that I was "tight" on my wife's birthday is tantement to insalubrious of the extreme,and as we all remember he was always garrulous,and obfuscate,and no doubt dissimulate with his feelings.In view of this I shall convocation my true friends to confirm my bonhomie character and sagacious thoughts on the matter.And so to sum up an inner thought that I was to mutter to a certain "Chaplain" "up yours Sammy,but have a nice day.
26 June 2008 - Here's a tip

peter | send4peter@crawler.com
Mal Glad you had a good day, I see TEN BOB has still got his Ten bob every year it gets harder to get him to open his wallet and buy a drink even on your birthday, lots of love see you soon
Ann & Pete
25 June 2008 - kent

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