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bob mac | coopermccavalier@hotmail.com
l think not if l recall it was a small guy with glasses on, who looked like buddy holly l was there in the back ground, anyway he had short legs and put roll ups on his shorts to make his legs bigger he had what is called duck legs and l'll see you in pinheads office, by the way he had a hard time bending over the desk because of his short legs and 6 of the best and the dust to rest
18 June 2008 - bahamas nassau

O yes Bobby Mac,it was you who got us all into trouble down Hartam Common with those girls!
We was all enjoying our swim in the pool and you chatted them girls up and then told the mother off? We all got the cane for it,and then you started pulling faces behind pinheads back!but he caught you...see ya one of the lunatic fringe!
17 June 2008 - On Parade Saturday afternoon.

bobby mac
hi its nice to hear from a few more goldings old boys with some tales from the past. well here is one it all started in Cairns dormitory Billy and Tommy Hill, Paul and Peter Temple, Robert Hendry, Robert Thornton and myself, as we were all on jankers we had to finish scrubbing the corridors, and started mucking around l can't remember who was looking out of the window," hey Mrs Goodman is down there" then some one said l know lets make a dummy and throw it out of the window, so we set to, the time came to throw it out of the window, off went the dummy with a school blazer on waiting for Mrs Goodman to pass the window, and all of us then started to shouting Aghh hh hh hh !! when the dummy passed the Goodmans window, next thing we know Mr Goodman came up the back stairs and running into the dorm, and said "l put you all on report again down to Pinheads office for the cane for up setting Mrs Goodman maybe she p**** her pants, never mind what a day more to follow the next part of the tale
17 June 2008 - over the pond

brian perrier | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
john i remember the confirmation classes and i only sucked up to nixon to get a place at wimbledon my voice was crap so i just became an alter boy but your right i would knock up a full goblet of sacratine wine and once it was blessed it had to be drunk and nixon couldnt stand it so as there was only three of us at communion i had to suffer and drink it up john its great that you have found the site make sure you get down for the reunion
16 June 2008 - stevenage herts

murphy | fireman @tower.com
hi l just come across the site and l see some names l remember like brian perrier and peter drummond.
well do you remember this brian and peter the confirmation class with holy joe nixon l remember the time we where sat at the back of the class reading the playboy mag when nixon seen us looking at this mag (as we would say now days the sh** hit the fan) he made you both attend the choir as for me l was already in the choir for my sins and as we where now in the choir we would get out first in the evening so we would get a good sit to watch the tv
and we got sixpence extra in are pocket money l never did get my book back but some time later joey told me you and peter nicked it back from his little room also a bottle of water down wine and got pi**** so l think old nixon , knows it was you two thats why he keep a eye on you both your number was up and when you both left the wine went up not down
16 June 2008 - john @ blackpool

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