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Well what a dismal February this is turning out to be, still we all can look forward to October I have just booked the Waterford Village Hall ready for our next reunion.
Roll on Summer 😂😂
11 February 2025

Dave 62-65
Good to here from Geoffrey, it been a long time take care keep in touch
2 February 2025

Kingsnorth | yvonnekingsnorth@btinternet.com
I arrived as a 10 year old. Never liked it at first cos I was always getting in a slog (fights) Slang word. I soon learned though too protect myself. As a carpenter and Joiner. I soon found my way in life. Lodgings was my worst experiences. I achieved my goals though. As I final years were working for architects as a Clerk of Works. On many large construction sites in the South East.
1 February 2025 - Aylesbury England

Dave Blower
Well the year has began and the worst of the bad weather hopefully is over. Hope you all had a great Xmas and New year.

We would all be back at Goldings from wherever we had spent our Xmas. For myself I always went home. I would catch train from Birmingham, meet up with mates in London Then make our way back to Hertford North Station, we walked up the North Road to Goldings, don’t know why but I was never picked up by Sid Whitbread in the van, went straight up top field playing football whatever the weather.
Happy days
17 January 2025

Dave 62-65
31 December 2024

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