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brian perrier | b.perrier@ntlworld .com
you dont know how much your messages meant to me in my darkest moments and having a trachea for a person who could win a gold medal for britain in talking.
it has been a long haul back but once again the one who bore the brunt was my sole mate wife and lover ellen,can i just say a public thank you to her.
and a massive thank you to dave and all my golding family.
28 January 2009 - back home in stevenage

Angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Mistake on front page, I think.
after parade{head count} you would file
house by house in to the dining room.
Come on mr Editor, it wasn't that long ago.
28 January 2009 - london

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Welcome back to the fold Brian. I'm sure that you know we were with you all the way.
I think what you have put us all through over the last few weeks, it's a pint for all your Goldings brothers at the next reunion.
Take care
27 January 2009 - Nottingham

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Yes that is great news about Brian,
maybe I can say now,
He always liked a free smoke
27 January 2009 - london

Nick in answer to your request,it was a lady called Rita Shears.She started work at Goldings in 1969,left and then returned in 1986 and stayed until it closed.
Regards locating our Gym,if you go onto our site,front page,then scroll down to "wish you were here,here and here,the Gym is number 14..Dave
27 January 2009

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