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angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Len your dead right about that photo site. I put in Goldings Hertford,and found one group photo of Dave. Brian. and Tommy Hill,
and one of my wife
22 October 2008 - LONDON

Email received | www.worldschoolphotographs.com/wsp/index1.htm
This is brilliant, Len Harpin sent me this today, I will put it on the links page later.

I couldn't believe it, check it out. This Website is amazing. They actually have photographs of almost every School in the World.

Unless you went to School when cameras weren't invented, you will find a photo of yourself or at least your classmates. Click on the link below or type it into your search line. You have to enter the name of your
school and Year that you were there..

Give it a go.....


22 October 2008

Webmaster comments   Click on the web page address

D. Harrington Pelham House Captain
Well done David Barlow,I have now pencilled your name in for the hurdles on sports day!! as the other lot are still using W.D.40??
21 October 2008 - Mr and Mrs Russell

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Everyone and it's nice to see the Guest Book back on line.
Some good news about Dave Barlow. He came out of hospital on saturday and is back home. I Had a long chat with him this evening and he is fine. It will take a few month's for him to be back to normal but with two replacement hip's that will come as no surprise but he is thinking about his next holiday so he is thinking positive.
20 October 2008 - Nottingham

Clive Gillingham | c.gillingam1@btinternet.com
Thanks for blanking that funny message
out Dave, I thought I had been on
the funny baccy, not that I know anything about that either, good luck
to Barlow and get well quick.
18 October 2008 - Hertford

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