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Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi dave,
Glad you recieved the extra photo. I forwarded a copy to Pop as he had requested me to do so.
With regards to The Albert Hall. You will recall that after the recording on Sunday September 14th I was driving to Dover for the Midnight Ferry to Calais(Which I missed) and needed the money from the collection box for my beer in Spain.
As for having my hand in that lady's pocket, I CAN'T THINK OF AN EXCUSE.
Just For the record, The Christmas songs of praise(recorded the same evening) will be transmitted on December 14th so you may see my hand in the lady's other pocket !!!
3 November 2008 - still in the glory land of Cloughshire

Got your extra re-union photo Alan,and I also spotted you at the Albert Hall the other Sunday,but why was you taking money out of the collection box instead of putting some in? also the lady next to you, why was your other hand in her pocket? see ya !
3 November 2008 - Alans pocket money day!!

Hello Paul and family. I would just like to say that I think of you every day! as I drive to Stafford via Cannock and the severe shortage of lead, and copper in the town. Talking to the locals of Cannock they feel it's an outsider coming into Cannock, and one resident has spotted him....a rotund senior citizen driving a souped up J.C.B. and wearing a Bob The Builder outfit...see I'm not a snitch ssssh my lips are sealed !!
1 November 2008 - Weighing in!!

The Stallion
Hi Dave and Mal sorry not been in touch working in Cannock come over and see us Dave regards Paul hadn't forgot you Dave Mal in my heart
Love Paul Jan Katie xxx
31 October 2008 - norfolk

Dave read your message the other day about the snow, but have been very busy working, and looking for one of my lost cats, my neighbour told me tonight there is a committee web site for Chiswick, and a woman was on about a cat that is coming into her house and staying the night with her 2 cats so after emailing her I'm hopeful in being reunited with my cat.
So back to the snow, it was the same neighbour I was speaking to about the snow on some of the cars in London, when I said my mate in birmingham told me the snow was an inch thick and the size of half crowns when his grand son said what's an inch and I said it's a few centimeters, and then he said what's arfacrown, and I said it's old money, and he said oh like my mum says, that old plonker across the rd. kids these days pick up on every thing, my neighbour went on to say last weekend his grandson over heard them talking about Aunty Rose coming for the weekend and his mum said I know and she said and she is bringing that old fart with her. when the door bell rang the grand son ran to the door and said hallo Aunty Rose mummy said you were bringing an old fart with you
31 October 2008 - dontknow

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