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Viewing messages 4166 to 4170.
The Stallion
Dear Dave and Mal it was a great weekend you always get it right on the day can we make an other one in the Summer.
Dave Jan made a lovely apple crumble thank you Mr Embleton.
I would like to thank Steve Chamberlain Tommy Bains Brian Perrier for Katies pocket money for helping Mal and Ann with kitchen duties sorry I missed Tommy Hill and Kieth Bishop Saturday night well Dave thanks again brother. Starting Cannock job 21 Oct regards Paul Jan Katie
7 October 2008 - norfolk

Hi Dave & Mal.What a great time I spent with you Mal and your family and the other old boys and their families in the hotel ,and the re-union was superb if you told me you went to better ones in the past I wouldn't believe you.
All the ladies god bless them did a wonderful job preparing the food and serving it up all day.
Mavis wants to thank you all for looking out for me and making my stay so wonderful and hopes to attend herself next year.
7 October 2008

Dave and Family
SUCCESS..Described in the Dictionary, "Achievement of somthing attempted"
Do you measure it by Quantity?
Do you measure it Financially?
Do you measure it by the amount of people who attend?
Or do you as we did Saturday measure it by a gathering of lifetime friends that had one thing in common "Goldings"
I think we tasted on Saturday "Success" Don't you?
7 October 2008 - Happy

email recieved Steve Chamberlain
Hi Dave
You done it a gain another GREAT RE-UNION
11/10 for well done.
Trust you and your family got home OK, considering the weather etc.
Take care
7 October 2008

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Dave, Mal, and all.
Congratulations on yet another great reunion,from what I remember of the evening, we all had a jolly good time.
For myself it was great to see more 60s boys there like, Kieth Bishop and Neville Fletcher along with all the regulars.
Thanks to all the hard work of your helpers, and your self it was a great success
7 October 2008 - london

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