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Clive Gillingham. Somerset House | c.gillingham1@btinternet.com
Hi Dave,
I think the front from the left is John Stocking, 2 don`t know, 3 Bob Bone,4 don`t know, 5 Ted Townsend, 6 John Brown. I dare not say the chap
at the back is Smith Kerr he will do me in at the next reunion, over to you Pop
25 June 2007 - Hertford Heath

I was at Wimbledon for that match Dave and i checked her bat and it was mine. when i confronted her about it she said this big geezer left it round her house!!!
25 June 2007

In the picture 'feeding time for ballboys'the third boy from the left is my old mate Eric Magellan. It would be fantastic to meet up with him again, I wonder where he is----Chapman
25 June 2007

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Dave, I have had problems with my computer since earley Friday Evening, having lost all my Data, E-mails and addresses and have no idea if anything has been sent to me. I did read your message regarding Wimbledon just before it crashed but had no time to respond. Regarding Wimbledon, I think what you suggested is great. I only attended the tournament for one day thanks to the Rev David Applyard but I still recall the memories and always look look forward to watching each year, as I will be doing over the next two weeks. Not yet heard from anyone regarding the Petula clark issue but I did recieve an E-mail from Sheila saying that she has placed my request for info on their site.

Kind regards Alan

24 June 2007 - Nottingham

Rod Laver
1962 An American tennis player,Billie Jean Moffit,18 knocked out top seed Margaret Smith-the match that began Billie Jean King's long reign at Wimbledon.
24 June 2007 - Playing tennis with Jimmys racket

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