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Viewing messages 3506 to 3510.
Happy birthday to John Horn for tomorrow 19th Jan
Have a great day John I know you'll have a pint for me, when you're out celebrating with Mavis.
Dave and Malx
18 January 2010

Alan Dearman | alandearman3@virginmedia.com
Hi to everyone. I am now back on line after Virgin Media did one of their old tricks, which was to disconnect me from my old address 1 WEEK BEFORE connecting me at my new address.....They simply forgot to let me know they had put my re-connection back one week!!
Anyway all is well now and Margaret and I are slowly getting sorted out.
In the mean time, my new e-mail address is alandearman3@virginmedia.com
My new postal address and telephone Number are available from Dave for those who wish to send Wedding/Christmas and Birthday cards and presents!!!
18 January 2010 - Melton Mowbray

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
"Yer happy birthday Pop", your as old as the woman you feel, In my case it's 36 46 56, and that's just her indoors.
I'll see you at the reunion,I wont bring her as I need to save on the petrol
17 January 2010 - LONDON

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Very best wishes for the 23rd Cliff, and I hope you have a lot more of them
John S
17 January 2010 - Hertford

Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Happy Birthday Pop can not beleive you are only 22 Ha Ha you wish . while Im here Happy Birthday to John Horn ,from all your mates see you both at the next Reunion in October
17 January 2010 - England

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