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Viewing messages 3531 to 3535.
Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi to you all and I'm sure everyone had a great Christmas and saw in the new year in style. I did not see in the new year as I was to Kn...... having spent 3 days moving and still have lots to do. Waiting for my internet to be connected at my new address but I will be having a new e-mail address and telephone number and will make both available as soon as possible. In the mean time I am still connected at my old address for which I have the keys until the end of this week. I am also enjoying my First official day of retirement.
Will be in Touch soon
4 January 2010 - Melton Mowbray and Nottingham

Jon Parsons
What tremendous photos have just appeared on the site. Would it be possible to produce a calendar for sale at the re-union - with a mixture of old and new photos. The one on the opening web-page is ideal for January. One of the pictures of the ball-boys re-visiting Wimbledon for June, the Goldings bench by the War Memorial for November, a re-union group for October. Imagine Goldings Calendars hanging in houses all over the world.
4 January 2010

Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Brian sorry to hear that you are in Hospital again after coming out on Saturday. I have been told you are ill its just the Nurses that are attracting you so watch him ellen
all the best Brian.
3 January 2010 - Colnbrook Slough

Brian Perrier
I do hope everybody had a good xmas and a happy new year to all of you.I am now out of hospital after my hernia op,every thing is going fine,so lets just make the 2010 reunion the best ever see ya brian
2 January 2010 - sunny stevenage

Dave Blower
Hello once again David Lee,we can put your e-mail address on the site,but just bear in mind David you may get other unwanted mail like both me and Pop got which is nothing to do with Goldings, but junk mail and the like! You must remember Winnie Norton? I can send you his address via your e-mail to put you both in touch.Mr's Newton is still with us and I visit her regularly throughout the year,she will be pleased another Verney inmate has been in contact,as she always recalls the Verney with such affection and refers to you all as "her boys"
Looking through the Goldonians of your years I will quote you some blast's from the past.
Summer 1958 Pelham
First we would like to welcome to our House,D.Lee,W.Charlton,Hyland,and Tyler.
New Entrants during Summer Term 1958.
Lee.D. Garden City,Sheet-metal Worker.
Aberdeen House Spring 1959.
Richard Rowan,David Lee,John Tilbury,MichaelToynton,and John Blackman.
Summer 1961 Verney Notes.
This Term David Lee was taken into Hospital to have his appendix removed, Clive Lewis joined up with him with "Flu" and Geof Rose collected a high temperature with one of those "Throats" It could be the rich food and super comfort of the "Verney",who knows?
Robert Newton.
Winter 1960 Verney House Notes.
Four new members of the family were welcomed in September,namely, G.Forster,D.Lee,J.Blackman,and D.Charlton.
Spring 1961.
David Lee has improved tremendously and is still improving
C.Steele (table tennis)
Winter 1961
David Lee and Clifford Sainsbury, who were members of the Goldings Team which won the league last season, have been awarded their table tennis colours.
Happy Memories recalled David!
I await your instructions regards your e-mail address. Dave,and from Goldings,welcome back to the parade ground!
1 January 2010 - Scrubbing the Passageway!

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