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Viewing messages 3546 to 3550.
Cliff Steele (Pop)
To all Goldings boys and their families wherever they happen to be. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and may the coming year bring you good health and contentment.

You are all in my thoughts

Pop Steele
23 December 2009

John Horn | Johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Mavis and I would like to wish all our many Golding's friends a merry christmas and a happy prosperous and healthy new year, also to the many Barnado boys and girls were ever in the world they may be past and present, and to all the staff who served us so well.
John Horn
22 December 2009 - Manchester

alan and margret have a good honeymoon and a great life
22 December 2009 - stevenage

brian and ellen perrier &james | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
To all the Old Boys and Staff and relatives of that Grand Establishment the William Baker Technical School(goldings) we wish all and everyone a merry and peaceful christmas and a fabulous year ahead 2010 love to everyone
22 December 2009 - stevenage

Alan & Margaret Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi to everyone. What a fabulous day we had. the wedding was fantastic and all went well. we are off on Honeymoon at 7am in the morning and now ready to relax. Thanks for all you goodwill messages and a merry christmas to you all.
21 December 2009 - Nottingham & Austria

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