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one of the calendar boys
what with Brian and Woody spending time in the various hospitals,perhaps they can get the N.H.S. to sponsor two pages of a calandar for us!before the tories get in!Welcome back to both of you,lets hope that your health improves for 2010 my two dear friends.
12 January 2010 - dr kildare and friends

thank you john and all who sent their best wishes it was just a glich that put me back in hospital my surgeon was a master he was so good but i got a chest infection that has now cleared up and i am back in the pink looking forward to seeing all your lovely ugly mugs in october
11 January 2010 - out of hospital

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
The very best of wishes for a speedy recovery to my Friend Brian.

If there is a next time, make it Addenbrookes, then we can meet up.

Spent Christmas there, and came home New Years Eve only to return again from 2-8 January, I'm sure we could have some fun should be be in hospital at the same time.

But I have no intention of going back in for some time yet, too much fun out here and missed the family.

Take care, one and all, we'll meet again in October.
10 January 2010 - Fenland

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
So sorry to hear you are having problems Brian, I shall be thinking of you and wishing you well again, very best wishes for a speedy recovery and I hope 2010 brings you better health John
9 January 2010 - Hertford

I've spoken to Brian today he has just come home from hospital and is feeling well, he has asked me to thank everyone for their concern, and assures me this only makes him more determined to reach his goal, for his weight loss in time for the reunion.
7 January 2010

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