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Viewing messages 3476 to 3480.
Let the Good Times Roll
My mates missus left him last Thursday.
She said she was going out for a pint of milk and never came back.
I asked him how he was coping?
"Not bad I've been using the powdered stuff!"
16 February 2010 - Ernie the fastest milkman in the West

Tony Hancock
Took my wife for coffee and biscuits yesterday afternoon. She wasn't grateful at all. Apparently she didn't want to give any blood.!
16 February 2010 - The Dog House

John Sansom(SAM) | john.sansom12@btinternet.com
BT Have sorted things out at last. John
12 February 2010 - Hertford

Just booked a table for me and the wife for Valentine's Day.
"I hope she can play snooker?"
10 February 2010 - Cannon and Ball

What did I tell you Tony! since he's had his bus pass he's every place for a freebee!
10 February 2010 - Pizza Hut instead, he don't like them.

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