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Viewing messages 3581 to 3585.
ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Why do women generally have smaller feet than men,Its one of those evolutionary things, that allows them to stand closer to the kitchen sink
4 December 2009 - inthedoghouse

burty | justjoking@home.com
Well Bob my take on it was getting married at Christmas,what?
Christmas shoud be an annual celebration of joy and happiness
3 December 2009 - Bournemouth

ALAN DEARMAN | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Pound Shop?????? You've got no chance Dave. We are that poor in Nottingham, we only have 50p shops due to the credit crunch
3 December 2009 - Nottingham

I'll tell you were they are, all down the Pound Shop getting me a present for Christmas.Normal service will be resumed shortly!
3 December 2009 - Snow Balling

brian | idontgive@xxx.com
ok aussie bob dont show off we dont need a fridge at the moment so there
3 December 2009 - polar ice cap north of london

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