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Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
Congratulations to all who made the effort to provide a great reunion and to the amazing turnout by Old Boys and their families, as I have said before on Nov 14 it is 50 yrs since I left Goldings and this was my first reunion thank you for making me welcome, last Monday I met up with Eric and his son Peter who came along to my Rotary Club at Robina on the Gold Coast, Eric is out here baby sitting, I sat next to Eric at the Dinner and could not believe when he said he was coming to Aus and would be just 15mins from where we live and the second surprise was Peter works for one of the Gold Coasts best printers, the former owner of whom (his daughter is boss now)is a friend of mine, small world,
I spent some time talking to David Wheatley and his wife both show great interest in Old Boys it was great to see him after so many years once again thank you from sunny very dry Australia
19 October 2009 - Gold Coast Australia

Marina | tremar3_3@hotmail.com | my.artezglobal.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=274699

It was a fantastic day and I made a point of getting GOLDINGS into the interviews. I just hope they don't edit those bits out. If I find any footage I will endeavour to link you here.

But a HUGE thank you to everyone who made my run such a worthwhile adventure. It really was a pleasure. I hope many more youngsters turn out as well as you have done so.

You will be pleased to know I did suffer minor injuries, one mainly because my toenail caught one of my toes.. me thinking it was a burst blister turned out to be a bloody toe at the end of the race.. so who says I didn't suffer?

But on the positive I didn't even actually break out into a sweat.. :D Apparently my friends told me it looked like I'd taken a taxi round and walked out the door through the finishing line.. It is a good job those TV people where there or noone would believe me hehe

Again thank you. ANd I hope the money gets used to help others as Barnardos has helped you guys.

All the best!

PS Could I ask those who haven't paid already to do so through the 'website' link as soon as possible please so that I can announce a total amount raised as soon as I can :)
19 October 2009 - At home.. still recouperating

Marina | tremar3_3@hotmail.com | my.artezglobal.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=274699
I wanted to let you know that I managed to reach and overscore on the target, but until all monies come in I cannot give a final figure to true sponsorship.

Thank you all ever so much for helping raise the funds. Meeting a lot of you bought the need of such a good cause into perspective. From all those who have come out the other end with smiles to those still in need. Barnardos DO need funds and they certainly need as much help as is possible.

I managed my run in 2 hours 33 minutes and 30 seconds. I really enjoyed jogging most of the way until the ten mile point where my legs just had a wobble and so had to walk for a mile and a half to try and motivate them back into doing what they were meant to. I'd never run that distance before and got accosted by TV reporter at about the 6 mile mark.. so I may even be on TV, goodness knows what I said to the reporter as she interrupted my music on my MP3 to talk to me hehe. I was also interviewd by the Barnardos personnell on the day as they STAR FUND RAISER so may even be a youtube footage for the event to. Again I cannot remember fully the conversation so I hope they actually edit it so I don't sound as high as a kite on adrenalin.

I had to run in leggings as it was bleeding cold in wales but every one of you whom I met at the Reunion were in my thoughts running round. ANd I had a moment of emotion at the finish line which was soon washed away when I recognised some faces of those who'd come to support me there.
19 October 2009 - At home now, recouperating.

Burrty | burrty69 @bt.com
17 October 2009 - Bournemouth

Goldings, and Children of Barnardo's past and present
We wish you all the best Marina(Morris)and just note Barnardo's, this girl is doing it for the benefit of young and old Barnardo's children so please give her the recognition she richly deserves in your Magazine,and perhaps she should be in contention for the "Goldings Award" this year? come on you lot give her your vote.Well Done.
17 October 2009 - Backing You All The Way.

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