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Viewing messages 3671 to 3675.
ALAN | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Dave, That will do nicely thank you................for the time being.
I have been known to drive a hard bargain.
11 October 2009 - Nottingham with Saint Brian!

Alan you support a wonderful football team (is that good enough?)
11 October 2009 - in the dog house bottoms up!

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Dave, so you now only have a smile on your Bottom, but remember that I still have the original so maybe you will be nice to me in the future!!
11 October 2009 - Nottingham

Purely a little over zealous publicity seeking Alan and Tony, but Mal has quickly corrected it, and I've been as quickly corrected too!!!
10 October 2009

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Oops,I see what you see Alan,
I'm sure Mall will put it right soon,
after Daves had a couple of tesco beers
10 October 2009 - 2008 cup with you

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