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Viewing messages 3686 to 3690.
Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi David & Mall I dont think there is any more I can say as it as all been said. but thank you all for a wonder full time ,& a big thank you for all behind in the Kitchen of cource not forgetting Brian & his dear wife &Mum see you all next Year
6 October 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

Woody | fjwoody@talktalk.net
Four years since I was last at the Reunion. What a transformation, what at atmosphere, what a fantastic family we all are!

From the warm welcome at the door, by the very best man for the job; the plentiful supply of tea to keep me alive; meeting with some that I have not spoken too since my days at Goldings; recalling some of the exploits that we enjoyed back then; the display of photos and memorabilia; the host Dave Blower, and the lovely ladies that kept us fed and watered all day; and all those that attended the reunion, made the day a day that I will remember until I visit again next year!

Thank you, one and all, for a brilliant and fascinating Reunion 2009!
5 October 2009 - The Fens

Gordon Rath Raffy | gordonrath@bt innernet .com
Nice to meet up with everybody, along time since l have seen you all 47 years since l left Golding Must admit we have all changed in looks some for the better some not not that it matters it was great to to meet you all again after all this time.
Next time l will make sure l get there early in the day so l will have more time to catch up with what you all have been up to over the last 47 years.
Sorry l had to leave early on Sunday morning missing breakfast but l had a big problem with my eyes and had 100 mile drive back to Lincoln where l live. l will be back next year with any luck, now l have found about the reunions. Take care and good luck

5 October 2009 - Lincoln England

thirsty | dry house@thewhitehorseinn.com
a day at the white horse hotel and blower still avoided buying a round

the reunion was a resounding success
and a great time was had by all
5 October 2009 - somewhere where the sun don't shine

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Dave, Mal and all.
That was one of the best, We were thinking that each year the numbers would go down a bit, but Saturday showed us we are still going strong.
The evening was great. The raffle, I dont know ho started the booing, probably one of the 50s boys, but it became infectious. It's typical of us Goldings Boys, instead of clapping the winners, we booed instead I looked round and everybody was smiling booing a laughing, even the winers who were being booed, it was all good fun and brought us all together.
Thanks to you and all the volunteers who helped to make it such a success.
See you soon
5 October 2009 - LONDON

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